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Building Excellent Entrepreneurship Programs

Written by Mike Murphy | Sep 22, 2014 4:00:00 AM

We recently had the pleasure of participating in a truly awe-inspiring and impactful weeklong conference at the University of Florida’s Warrington College of Business at their Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation called “The Experiential Classroom: Building Excellent Entrepreneurship Programs”.

At this conference 83 participants from around the world came to learn from elite faculty members on how to build entrepreneurship programs, instill the entrepreneurial mindset in students, and pedagogical techniques. We had high expectations, based on the reputations of the folks involved, but we were even more impressed at each day’s end. Honestly, we were just floored by the excellence and professionalism of the staff, presenters, and attendees. And we think more people should know about this conference and apply. Therefore we want this post to be a quick rundown of The Experiential Classroom.

Who should attend: Anyone who has been tasked with teaching entrepreneurship, is building an entrepreneurship department, or community-focused entrepreneurial center. These can be deans, faculty, adjunct faculty, directors, and community organizers. But know getting into this that there is a serious academic leaning and tone throughout the conference.

Why attend: You will learn from top faculty at the top schools and meet pioneers in the field including Dr. Michael Morris, Dr. Don Kuratko, Dr. Karl Vesper, Dr. Minet Schindehutte, Dr. Alex DeNoble, Dr. Jeff Stamp, Dr. Rebecca White, and many, many more. All of these individuals will give you all the time they have to work one-on-one, answer questions, and help problem solve whatever it is you are working on.

Where is it: Affectionately known as The Swamp, The Experiential Classroom takes place in Gainesville Florida.

How to learn more: Visit the CEI’s website to apply and learn more.

Good luck to all who apply for 2015’s Experiential Classroom, we hope to see you there!