Credential Verification Leads to Dismissal

Theresa, McBain, a former Methodist minister, has been ousted from her position with a Humanist group at Harvard after admitting she overstated her educational experience. The resulting fallout shows why it is so important to follow up and ensure that when verifying credentials, you are getting the best information possible.

In the case of Ms. McBain, she claimed she had received a Masters of Divinity degree from Duke University, going as far as mentioning it when giving talks. Under scrutiny, however, her claim of holding a degree did not stand up. She later admitted to making up the degree, and records show she only attended summer courses that made up the first of a five-year program – none of which lead to the degree she claimed to have.

When verifying credentials, it is important to follow up all leads if you feel anything is wrong. Even if someone’s resume seems to pass muster under glance, taking the time to make the connection between what is said and what has actually occurred can result in a more trustworthy team.

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