Mike Murphy

NC IDEA Awards Grant to ProctorFree

Online Courses will Revolutionize Higher Education

Oh yeah? Says who?

Colleges Ease Burden of Growth with Online Courses

Why are colleges turning to online courses to grow their student base? There are plenty of reasons. Here are a few:

ProctorFree featured in DetailedBlock

We want to thank the folks over at DetailedBlock for sitting down with us to discuss online, higher education, mooc’s, and the first release of our product. You can read the entire article here: http://bit.ly/11VdPxr

Online Enrollment Growth in Higher Education

Atlanta Testing Scandal

The shockwaves are still being felt in Atlanta with approximately 34 teachers and administrators being indicted in one of the largest testing and cheating scandals to date.

CPCC Enrollment Surges Require More Money for Space

Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) continues to grow in student enrollments but the Community College is running out of real estate and space for students to attend classes.

Identity Verified Certificates Available

In a previous blog post about Coursera we covered the rapid increase in enrollments online MOOCs have been receiving. The model of cheap or free education for everyone paired with top quality course content has driven knowledge hungry students from[...]

Students Rush to Fill Online Courses

A recent New York Times article covered the rapidly growing popularity of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) such as Coursera, Udemy and edX. In four months Coursera had drawn in 1 million users, a faster launch then social media giants Facebook[...]