Tag: student enrollment

U.S. Students Seeking German Education Due to Low Cost:

As the cost of higher education in the U.S. continues to be a growing concern for students, some have begun to look outside of the country for a solution. One of the primary destinations for these budget-minded academics has been Germany. It is[...]

Universities Dealing with a Decrease in Tuition Revenue

Poor enrollment has had many schools, both public and private; see an unprecedented decrease in their net tuition revenue. The latest Moody’s Investor Service survey reveals that universities’ tuition revenue cannot keep up with inflation.

Focus on School Reputation Versus Amenities

Students Rush to Fill Online Courses

A recent New York Times article covered the rapidly growing popularity of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) such as Coursera, Udemy and edX. In four months Coursera had drawn in 1 million users, a faster launch then social media giants Facebook[...]