Tag: identity verification

Using Online Proctoring? 4 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore

Using Online Proctoring? 4 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore

Online exams are quickly becoming the standard as schools and businesses adapt to the remote nature of today's world. As a result, the demand for online proctoring software is increasing, so it’s no wonder there are so many brands to choose from.[...]

4 Non-Negotiable Online Proctoring Software Features

4 Non-Negotiable Online Proctoring Software Features

Overwhelmed by the variety of options available for online proctoring? If you want to be sure that you're choosing the right proctoring solution for your organization, first get clear on which features are most important to you. This post will help[...]

Hiring from home: How online proctoring can assist with job placement

Hiring from home: How online proctoring can assist with job placement

The era of social distancing and remote work has created new complications for talent acquisition with in-person interviews and orientation less feasible than before. For time-strapped hiring managers and recruiters, online proctored[...]

Does Groupthink lead to Group Cheating

According to Psychology Today, Groupthink occurs when a group of well-intentioned people make irrational or non-optimal decisions spurred by the urge to conform or the discouragement of dissent. This problematic or premature consensus[...]

This Week in Cheating: Targeting Students through Facebook

Greetings Protectors of Academic Integrity and Proctoring,

We are back with a brand new “This Week in Cheating”. This week we see a service that goes right after online classes and online proctoring.

ProctorFree - This Week in Cheating: Go to Jail!

So if I understand this article correctly (click here), in China there is an exam you take in high school that determines your future education potential and career opportunities. It doesn’t get much more “high stakes” than that. Where there are[...]

ProctorFree - Am I fit for Online Testing

My goodness are there lots of variables to consider before taking online classes! Primarily, am I a good fit for online testing? To help you answer this, we made a fun little quiz. It’s only 5 questions and it’s not graded.

ProctorFree - CHEP 2015 Pedagogy Reflections

Hi everyone, Jeff here. I just returned from CHEP 2015 by CIDER at Virginia Tech. While I will always fondly remember Cabo Fish Tacos, the conference itself had a pretty significant impact on me as I reflected on the trends rising in pedagogies (the[...]

ProctorFree- This Week in Cheating - Outsource Online Essays

In the past week we’ve heard of two web-based services (Here and here; and honestly researching this blog we found a few more) that will write your online essay for you, take your online test, and whatever else you want them to do in your online[...]

Building Excellent Entrepreneurship Programs

We recently had the pleasure of participating in a truly awe-inspiring and impactful weeklong conference at the University of Florida’s Warrington College of Business at their Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation called “The Experiential[...]