Tag: ProctorFree

Transition to ProctorFree

We are receiving a large number of inquiries from schools and organizations that are evaluating moving away from their current proctoring provider for one or several of the reasons listed below. We wanted to take an opportunity and highlight some of[...]

How to Create a Community of Online Learning

How to Create a Community of Online Learning

Editor’s note: This blog post was originally published in March 2015 and updated in April 2021.

While online learning isn’t new, there has been a considerable uptick in interest surrounding how to effectively create and foster an effective online[...]

MIT Online Education Policy Initiative

This month the Online Education Policy Initiative at MIT released a study done on how to further education in all aspects, with a focus on online education. The study has four focus zones: interdisciplinary collaboration, online educational[...]

This Week in Cheating: Targeting Students through Facebook

Greetings Protectors of Academic Integrity and Proctoring,

We are back with a brand new “This Week in Cheating”. This week we see a service that goes right after online classes and online proctoring.

New Release – Schedule a Demo!

ProctorFree has just released our latest version of software, which comes with a large number of changes. This new deployment brings a host of changes, both in improved functionality and smoother looks.

LMS Buying Trends in Higher Education

Charlotte EdTech Company Raises Funding, Closes Big Partnerships

Charlotte, N.C. — ProctorFree announced a successful round of investment funding to close out 2015 and contribute to continued growth in 2016. This financing round was led by Real Ventures with participation by Task Force X Capital and other select,[...]

ProctorFree welcomes Eric McGee

Please join us in welcoming Eric McGee to the ProctorFree team. Eric brings a wealth of knowledge and over 10 years of higher education experience. As Director of Partnership Development, Eric will work with current and future university partners to[...]

ProctorFree - Predicting cheating in college

Want to see a magic trick? OK, follow along. I can predict with extreme accuracy whether or not you cheated in college. Regardless of once, twice, or for all 4 years. It doesn’t matter if it was one assignment with a smidgen of plagiarism, a little[...]

ProctorFree - This Week in Cheating: Go to Jail!

So if I understand this article correctly (click here), in China there is an exam you take in high school that determines your future education potential and career opportunities. It doesn’t get much more “high stakes” than that. Where there are[...]