Tag: ProctorFree (3)

ProctorFree Summer Interns 2015

There are three new team members around our office!

Journaling through E-Learning

Multiple choice, true or false response, matching, and completion type questions seem to be the norm in online class assignments. While traditional is great, are there different ways online students can express themselves in assignments, and express[...]

ProctorFree - Themes of ET4O

Hey friends, Director of Partner Relations Jeff here. I’m just coming off a long road trip through the great state of Texas; the last leg of which was the Emerging Technology for Online Education (ET4O) conference by the wonderful people of the [...]

Comedy and Academic Integrity?

Improv! You have seen it on the television show, Saturday Night Live, and probably at your local comedy club. But can you incorporate it in your classroom?

Cheating Mitigated with Technology and Tablet Webcams

With their mobile processing power, tablet devices have become an essential tool for students and educators in the classroom. However, many learning institutions are hesitant to completely rely on this trend because it can also be a tool for[...]

Learning before the Learning?

Similar to a marathon, a participating runner wouldn’t embark on a 26 mile journey without some sort of preparation (well, hopefully not). The same follows for students, or in this case, an “online learner”. Pre-learning activities help prepare[...]

Do you have what it takes to teach online?

Want to become an online instructor?

ProctorFree - Approved Barnes & Noble Bookstore Vendor

Students can now use their financial aid disbursement to purchase test-proctoring sessions through the college bookstore.

ProctorFree created our proctoring solution with accessibility in mind. By creating an autonomous, affordable,[...]

ProctorFree- Are students sharing on social media?

Kids these days, huh? There is a whole rigmarole over news that students are sharing questions to the multi-state-wide PARCC test on social media. That’s the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers by Pearson. The test has[...]

Does Online Group work, work?

Before an instructor starts assigning group projects in their online classes, it’s important to ask, can they work? In “Teacher Perspectives on Online Collaborative Learning: Factors Perceived as Facilitating and Impeding Successful Online Group[...]