Tag: ProctorFree (4)

ProctorFree- Appoints Brad Davis as CEO

Charlotte, N.C. — ProctorFree announced the appointment of Brad Davis as its chief executive officer and a member of the board of directors effective on February 9, 2015. Davis brings more than 25 years of relevant industry experience having[...]

Learning by Visuals

When it comes to learning, external representations, aka visualizations, have always been valuable tools to students. Visualizations play a key role in all learning.

This Week in Cheating - Honor Codes Making a Comeback

A cheating deterrent going back as far anyone can seem to remember is to pledge an oath, a vow, to swear on something, or just simply read an honor code. It’s even Numbers 30:2 “If a man vows a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a[...]

ProctorFree - CHEP 2015 Pedagogy Reflections

Hi everyone, Jeff here. I just returned from CHEP 2015 by CIDER at Virginia Tech. While I will always fondly remember Cabo Fish Tacos, the conference itself had a pretty significant impact on me as I reflected on the trends rising in pedagogies (the[...]

Online Learning for the Win

In the “A Synthesis of New Research on K-12 Online Learning” study, online and conventional learning were compared. The results found that online learners slightly outperformed face-to-face learners on achievements measures. The outcome = the[...]

Can Online Classes Deter Cheating?

A McCabe and Treviño (Rutgers University) study took 1,800 students at nine medium to large-sized universities to examine the influence of contextual and individual factors on cheating behavior. Contextual factors of behaviors, such as peer cheating[...]

The Anonymous Factor

In a case study that explored asynchronous communication experiences and perspectives of online students, results found that one of the main advantages students enjoyed was the the anonymous factor.

The Importance of Social Presence in the Online Classroom

study examined Empire State College online students to explore the relationship among student’s perception of social presence in online courses, as well as student’s perceived learning, and satisfaction with their instructor, found that there is a[...]

ProctorFree - This Week in Cheating

Normally this blog series covers a cheating scandal or discusses new cheating methods and quells any anxiety by showing how ProctorFree can stop, prevent and detect any academic integrity issues. Once in a while we see an exemplar educational[...]

Vicarious Interaction in an Online Learning Environment

What is vicarious interaction?

Typically, in a traditional classroom, a teacher asks a question, and a student answers it. This interaction takes place on a single student at a time, and is a highly interactive and important part of the educational[...]