How to Build the Perfect Exam Process for Your Certification Program

How to Build the Perfect Exam Process for Your Certification Program

Running a successful certification program and remaining an esteemed professional association depends heavily on reputation. To provide certifications to trade professionals, you need your industry to trust the rigor and quality of your exams. If[...]

How to Choose the Best Online Proctoring Solution for Your Professional Association

How to Choose the Best Online Proctoring Solution for Your Professional Association

Growing your professional association relies on increasing certifications while still protecting the integrity and reputation of your credentialing program. With the rapid shift to online learning and working, online proctoring is booming, providing[...]

Administering Online Exams within Moodle LMS

Administering Online Exams within Moodle LMS

Whether you’re a college or a business leader, you already know the benefit of providing a virtual learning environment to deliver knowledge and test your candidates. In a recent ADT survey, 73 percent of respondents reported that online learning[...]

ProctorFree Announces New Partnership with Udutu LMS

ProctorFree Announces New Partnership with Udutu LMS

ProctorFree has built an international partnership with the Udutu Learning Management System (LMS) to bring a higher level of security and confidence to high-stakes regulatory training and examinations. 

Udutu is a cloud-based LMS with an integrated[...]

Measuring Student Knowledge Effectively with Blackboard LMS

Measuring Student Knowledge Effectively with Blackboard LMS

Schools using Blackboard prioritize providing their students with high-quality learning experiences from anywhere—a critical feature in an age when many of us are working remotely. There is no doubt that Blackboard users appreciate the benefits of[...]

Online Proctoring with Canvas LMS: 3 Critical Considerations

Online Proctoring with Canvas LMS: 3 Critical Considerations

Schools using Canvas as their learning management system (LMS) have probably already experienced the benefits of its remote capabilities, especially in the past year. By leveraging their LMS, many schools were able to transition to remote learning[...]

How to Determine if Online Proctoring is Right for Your Organization

How to Determine if Online Proctoring is Right for Your Organization

As more people and organizations work remotely, online proctoring is becoming increasingly popular. While meeting in person has reduced in some industries, the necessity to assess and certify students as well as professionals, has not. If you’re[...]

Using Online Proctoring? 4 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore

Using Online Proctoring? 4 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore

Online exams are quickly becoming the standard as schools and businesses adapt to the remote nature of today's world. As a result, the demand for online proctoring software is increasing, so it’s no wonder there are so many brands to choose from.[...]

How to Increase Engagement in Your University Library

How to Increase Engagement in Your University Library

Modern colleges have transformed their libraries into centers for digital media and engagement. As a result, librarians must promote creativity, exploration, and independent thinking in new formats. The explosion of technology has not undermined[...]

Delta Variant Disruption: How to Build a Better Plan B with Online Proctoring

Delta Variant Disruption: How to Build a Better Plan B with Online Proctoring

If the Delta and Lambda COVID-19 variants are concerning you as you prepare for the upcoming semester, you’re far from alone. Despite expectations of a return to normal among students and staff, it appears the Delta variant has other ideas. It’s[...]